summer 2018
Rates & Dates
Junior Camp
Main Camp
August Camp

our features
What you get
Year after year, families tell us why they choose Hello Summer as a priority place for their kids to spend summer holidays at and to have the best time ever:
Monroe Science Educational Services offers field and study trip consultations to individual classroom teachers, science departments and school districts. Monroe is an expert at planning, coordinating, directing, funding and facilitating field study trips. With an array of connections in local, state, and national science organizations,…
Monroe Science Educational Services is available for a variety of consultation needs for individual and full staff development; in order to meet your science and science educational challenges. As an expert in differentiated, hands-on science activities—for any level, Randy Monroe offers short standards-based activities to…
Monroe Science Educational Services designs individual workshops to meet your science educational challenges. An expert in differentiated, hands-on science activities for any level, Randy Monroe offers short standards-based activities to inspire both your students and your teaching. Workshops are geared towards teaching mini-science lessons through…